Here's an excerpt from the introduction:
"Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit--An Geadh-Glas, or 'the Wild Goose.' The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it's like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something that institutionalized Christianity has missed out on."
And speaking of what happens when we are born of the Spirit and begin following Jesus...
"Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure."
This book is a call to adventure... a spirit-filled adventure that is achieved by actively seeking what God wants for each of us and in turn being released from certain emotional/spiritual "cages" that hold us back from the adventurous life or as Batterson puts it... "clipping the wings of the Wild Goose."
If you enjoyed "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day," Batterson's first book, you'll love Wild Goose. In a Pit challenged us to face our fear and find our greatest successes on the other side of the fear. Wild Goose shows what's holding us back and then shows a way out. One very cool challenge that Batterson gives is to formulate a list of Life Goals and at the Wild Goose site you can download a "how to". You can also read Mark's List from his blog.
If you're like me, you want your life to be more than just something that you "got through." I want my life to make a difference, to be world-changing; and I want to live an adventure. I'm really glad that Mark has written this book. Very applicable to where I am right now.
You can get it online at cbd or amazon and probably several other book sites. Or you can win one from me. I will give a free copy to the person who in the comments of this post guesses one of my life goals... my biggest travel goal with my family is to... _________ First person who guesses gets a copy. (be sure I can contact you).
I am guessing Walt Disney World, but would you expect me to guess anything else??? So, how are you all? I need to touch base with you about the couch. I'll give you a call.
at the risk of padding my own comments, Lisa B guessed the whole of the US, but was unable to leave a comment (You guys let me know if you have trouble)
Lisa, good guess, but not what I was looking for.
nope, not Mickey either...
honor Christ
Okay, let's see, heart racing, sweaty palms, will I win THE PRIZE?
Heaven or
dinner with Bill and Hillary in NYC!
Am I a winner or what?! Hope all is going well...
Bob, thanks for commenting and I really like your answer and hope that we do that when we get there, but I'm looking for a location...
Take another guess.
Debi, none of those are what I'm looking for but you made me laugh very loud. ;D Thanks!
Okay... here's the somewhat vague hint...
more spectacular than Disney World but less exotic than an African Safari.
Good luck!
Okay, fine, no dinner with the Billster so here is my final, well, maybe, guess(es).
The jungle theme room at the Motel 8 in Morris or
Alaska...there you have it!
Happy Monday! Hope you can do something awesome on this beautiful day!
Not Alaska and not Jerusalem, although those could easily be on my list as well. Good guesses!
It's a city that hosted a Winter Olympics.
And in case you're wondering, you can guess more than once, but let's limit it to one guess per day. Thanks.
St. Moritz, Switzerland...The Top of the World!
I haven't been to St. Moritz but I've been to Switzerland twice. It is breathtakingly beautiful. It might be a little slice of Heaven here on Earth!
I cannot believe I'm playing this game! Once I start, I'm addicted. Oh no, My name is Debi and I'm addicted to playing Corbetts' game!
Happy Wednesday!
Well Im not to sure but this is my best guess for today......Oslo, Norway
beccagirl and sean both had very good guesses...one was very close. But still no winner.
Have I mentioned what a GREAT book this is? Some of you lurkers need to get off your duff and take a guess.
If no one guesses today, there'll be a major hint tomorrow.
Am I a lurker? I'll read the book even if I don't win or maybe I'll encourage Mike to read it since he too is without a job! I do hope that you want to go to Innsbruck because from there you are also very close to some of the most beautiful parts of Germany. You could go to Berchusgaden(sp) Germany and see the Passion Play. I can't spell the name of the town but I have been there and it's awesome!
There you have it!
We have a winner. Debi (beccagirl) wins the book with a correct guess of Innsbruck, Austria.
In 1992 I was able to spend 6-weeks studying in Innsbruck and it is right off of a postcard...one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen on earth. I can't wait to take my family there... maybe a 15th anniversary trip. We'll see.
Congrats Debi. Let me know the best way to get you the book.
Stay tuned for more book reviews and chances to win prizes.
Thank you, thank you, please hold your applause. I would like to thank the following peo, oh, no, I didn't win America's Got Talent? But, but I am a speed reader! What, I won a good book? You really don't want to hear my 20 minute speech? Fine! Well, I am going to thank the sponsor of the game, Corbett Reeves. And, may I say one or two more things? Yes, I'll make it quick. Corbett, happy dreaming about your next visit to Innsbruck and thanks for the way fun game! It's a beautiful day in Morris today. My advice would be to buy a big bag of ice, pour it on a little slope in your yard and pretend you are in Innsbruck 'til it melts! Hot tip: Don't let the neighbors see you sitting on a pile of ice if you know what I'm sayin'!!! Debi :)
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