I'm excited about this weekend. Tricia and the kids and I are going to spend the Labor Day weekend with some friends that we've met recently and grown to love already: Glen and Sally Blumer. They live just south of Des Moines in Norwalk, Iowa. I've only been to Iowa once and that was just traveling up the western side on a trip from Louisiana to Montana. Can't say that I remember much about the state.
I guess the main thing I know about Iowa is how much fun I've had teasing Dave Ritter about how bad the Hawkeyes have been in football the last few years.
Glen and Sally are cyclists like Tricia and myself are, so I'm on my way to buy a bike rack that will go on the back of my minivan. Turns out it's hard to find a 4-bike carrier that attaches to the trunk/rear door instead of requiring a hitch receiver. But I found one almost by accident at Dave's Bikes in Joliet. Hope it's a good one...I'll let you know.
So any more cyclists out there? Where is your favorite place to ride?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
My Plans or God's Plans
I find it hard at times to know when something is what God wants and when it is just what I want. One of the hardest decisions I've had to make recently came down to this. For almost a year, I've believed that my next step in ministry was to be a church planter. But for now, Tricia and I do not believe that is what God is calling us to do. The desire is there, but we don't want to be anywhere that God is not directing us to be.
For many reasons, I guess, becoming a church planter seemed like the obvious move for us. But as I read books, blogs and articles; as I listened to podcasts about church planting, the one thing (the only thing!) they all agreed on was this: Do not plant a church unless you are 100% sure that God has called you to plant the church. After much honest discussion and evaluation, Tricia and I don't believe that we have been so called. Yet! I still hope that this is in my future. I get pretty stoked at the thought of it.
So what does this mean for our family's immediate future... I'm so glad you asked.
For many reasons, I guess, becoming a church planter seemed like the obvious move for us. But as I read books, blogs and articles; as I listened to podcasts about church planting, the one thing (the only thing!) they all agreed on was this: Do not plant a church unless you are 100% sure that God has called you to plant the church. After much honest discussion and evaluation, Tricia and I don't believe that we have been so called. Yet! I still hope that this is in my future. I get pretty stoked at the thought of it.
So what does this mean for our family's immediate future... I'm so glad you asked.
- It means that we are planning to stay in Morris for the next 8 months or so. The kids have started school here and we'd rather not take them out. Tricia has also started her school year (teaching) and would like to be able to finish the school year if at all possible. So if you're in Morris, you might see us around.
- It means that I have to get job! Sticking around means certain bills have to be paid, but I'm not going to jump into a local ministry position just for a paycheck. I definitely want to be in my next ministry position for several years at least. In the mean time, I'll find something to do in the surrounding area. (This would be a good time to call with an offer!!!!)
- It means that we'll be plugging into a local church (local meaning with 30-45 minutes). Even if my job isn't to be a pastor currently, I'm still called (as each of you are) to plug into a local gathering of Christ-followers and use my gifts to help that church accomplish the Jesus Mission. We've visited a few churches...we may visit a few more, but one has become a likely choice.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Book Review - Wild Goose Chase
I've had a little bit of time on my hands of late. The kids are at school, Tricia is at work and I'm... well, I'm keeping busy, but I've gotten pretty good at Spyro [update: I've beaten it] on my son's DS and I've been able to tear through a few books. I thought maybe I'd clue you in on a few of them. Up first, "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. **One reader will win a free book from this blog--details below**
Here's an excerpt from the introduction:
"Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit--An Geadh-Glas, or 'the Wild Goose.' The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it's like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something that institutionalized Christianity has missed out on."
And speaking of what happens when we are born of the Spirit and begin following Jesus...
"Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure."
This book is a call to adventure... a spirit-filled adventure that is achieved by actively seeking what God wants for each of us and in turn being released from certain emotional/spiritual "cages" that hold us back from the adventurous life or as Batterson puts it... "clipping the wings of the Wild Goose."
If you enjoyed "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day," Batterson's first book, you'll love Wild Goose. In a Pit challenged us to face our fear and find our greatest successes on the other side of the fear. Wild Goose shows what's holding us back and then shows a way out. One very cool challenge that Batterson gives is to formulate a list of Life Goals and at the Wild Goose site you can download a "how to". You can also read Mark's List from his blog.
If you're like me, you want your life to be more than just something that you "got through." I want my life to make a difference, to be world-changing; and I want to live an adventure. I'm really glad that Mark has written this book. Very applicable to where I am right now.
You can get it online at cbd or amazon and probably several other book sites. Or you can win one from me. I will give a free copy to the person who in the comments of this post guesses one of my life goals... my biggest travel goal with my family is to... _________ First person who guesses gets a copy. (be sure I can contact you).

Here's an excerpt from the introduction:
"Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit--An Geadh-Glas, or 'the Wild Goose.' The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it's like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something that institutionalized Christianity has missed out on."
And speaking of what happens when we are born of the Spirit and begin following Jesus...
"Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure."
This book is a call to adventure... a spirit-filled adventure that is achieved by actively seeking what God wants for each of us and in turn being released from certain emotional/spiritual "cages" that hold us back from the adventurous life or as Batterson puts it... "clipping the wings of the Wild Goose."
If you enjoyed "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day," Batterson's first book, you'll love Wild Goose. In a Pit challenged us to face our fear and find our greatest successes on the other side of the fear. Wild Goose shows what's holding us back and then shows a way out. One very cool challenge that Batterson gives is to formulate a list of Life Goals and at the Wild Goose site you can download a "how to". You can also read Mark's List from his blog.
If you're like me, you want your life to be more than just something that you "got through." I want my life to make a difference, to be world-changing; and I want to live an adventure. I'm really glad that Mark has written this book. Very applicable to where I am right now.
You can get it online at cbd or amazon and probably several other book sites. Or you can win one from me. I will give a free copy to the person who in the comments of this post guesses one of my life goals... my biggest travel goal with my family is to... _________ First person who guesses gets a copy. (be sure I can contact you).
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New blog - what are my intentions?
So here it is... the new blog that I promised way back in June. Why the change?
1) To accompany a major change in my life -- leaving one of the best jobs in the world, leading the arts teams at NC3 in Morris, to step out into the unknown... all because we feel this is what God is saying right now.
2) To signify a new paradigm of blogging. Before it was meandering and musings. Now things will be more intentional -- thus the name (and the graphic). It's been often said that if you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. I am making every effort from now on to be laser-focused.
My old blog will still be available (I won't be updating it) at meanderings-corbett.blogspot.com and I'll try to throw a link up on the sidebar to make it easy to get there. 120 posts covering the last year and a half of my life... many of which are slightly better than birdcage liner quality. You'll have to be the judge.
As for the new, I'll be laying down some big stuff about what the Reeves are doing currently and what the future may (or may not) hold for my family.
I'm glad you're along for the ride. Better buckle up!
1) To accompany a major change in my life -- leaving one of the best jobs in the world, leading the arts teams at NC3 in Morris, to step out into the unknown... all because we feel this is what God is saying right now.
2) To signify a new paradigm of blogging. Before it was meandering and musings. Now things will be more intentional -- thus the name (and the graphic). It's been often said that if you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. I am making every effort from now on to be laser-focused.
My old blog will still be available (I won't be updating it) at meanderings-corbett.blogspot.com and I'll try to throw a link up on the sidebar to make it easy to get there. 120 posts covering the last year and a half of my life... many of which are slightly better than birdcage liner quality. You'll have to be the judge.
As for the new, I'll be laying down some big stuff about what the Reeves are doing currently and what the future may (or may not) hold for my family.
I'm glad you're along for the ride. Better buckle up!
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