Thursday, April 23, 2009

Job update plus links for catching up

I'm letting people know about some news going on in our lives and of course it becomes obvious that many people have no idea where we are right now! =) So if you have any interest in what's going on for the Reeves family right now, try reading these 3 posts... they should bring you up to speed.

1. First mention
2. Big News
3. Early Update

Beyond that, we got some great news today... Tricia applied for the one and only job opening in the Norwalk school system--a 6-12 Gifted position. She interviewed for it this morning and we found out this afternoon that she got the job. AWESOME!! We are very excited!

I wish I could say that I'm surprised, but if you know Tricia, you know that she is not only one of the best teachers you'll ever meet, but she's the person you want on your team. She adds value to every thing she's a part of, and I'm very blessed to be her husband!

When I asked for prayers on Twitter this morning, many of you prayed and I humbly thank you. There were so many reasons why she might not get picked for this position, and yet she was anyway and we believe that it's our God making a way for us and confirming his calling of our family to Norwalk/Des Moines and to Crossroads Church.

It's definitely bittersweet to leave behind Illinois, (just as it was hard to leave Birmingham and Lanett/West Point) but we know that we still have awesome family all over the U.S. and are now able to add to that. So excited about serving at Crossroads. So excited that God is blessing my family. So excited to serve alongside PG and the rest of Crossroads' awesome staff.

Can't wait to see what the future holds!

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