Friday, January 23, 2009

Big News for the Reeves family

For those of you that have been praying for me and my family since July, I can never say thank you enough. God has been faithful and has shown us our next step. On March 2nd, I will become the Pastor of Congregational Development for Crossroads Church in Norwalk, Iowa (Norwalk is a suburb of Des Moines). I've believed this was going to be the case for quite a while, but my friend, Pastor Glen Blumer and I were determined to insure that this was God's will... not just a fun thing for us. So we've taken baby steps and trusted the decision to the leadership of this three-year old congregation, and it has been one confirmation after another.

There's just a good vibe at this place and I'm excited to jump in and serve with my new family.

The road to Des Moines still has a few obstacles... our house in Morris has not sold and this seems to be just about the worst time in my lifetime to sell a house. We're trusting that God's got it under control, though. Plus, Tricia and I want to let the kids finish out the school year if at all possible. So beginning in March, I'll be commuting to Norwalk on Thursdays, staying the weekend and coming back to Morris on Sunday afternoon. Our family will all move to Norwalk in June.

The next few months may seem like a hard time for our family, but the truth is, I'll see my family more than I do now. And the 9 hour roundtrip commute every week... it's shorter than my current 10 hours a week drive to and from work in Lemont.

Leaving Morris will be bitter sweet; most of our best friends are here. Leaving Timberline Knolls will also be a somewhat sad day, as I've grown to love the young ladies that we're helping get their lives back on track.

But to be right in the middle of God's will and see the awesome things that he's going to do... that I can't wait to see. I hope we can go there together, even. I'll try to keep you all in the loop via my blog, so if you talk to someone and they ask what we're up to, be sure and send them to

Thanks! Peace,

1 comment:

Santo4Hall said...

Congrats on the new gig. Keep in touch .