We live in a culture of "I can get it done." We have tools and networks, resources that allow us to accomplish pretty much whatever we set our mind to. The web has definitely been an empowerment tool for most of us who've not been to afraid (or lazy) to engage. It's amazing what I can get done sitting at my kitchen table using my laptop and a little broadband.
Realizing this, the last thing I would ever want to do as a company or organization is to make a client/customer (especially a potential client/customer) feel powerless... unable to accomplish what he/she is accustomed.
I need a new spray hose thingy for my kitchen sink. It is under warranty. I have been calling the company since June. I've yet to speak to a real person or even been able to leave a voicemail. I've received messages that the offices are closed; please call back within business hours DURING their posted business hours. I've received messages that the call log is too heavy; please try back at a later time. Currently, I've been on hold for
22 minutes and counting. My hope is to be able to order the replacement part that I need -- hopefully covered by their stated warranty -- and do a simple fix to my kitchen faucet. If that doesn't happen soon, I'll have to replace the whole faucet and I promise I will never again use a product by this company.
I will however be glad to tell everyone about my frustration with this company (in appropriate situations of course).
The things I will be glad to share are exactly the kinds of things that no company or organization wants to be said about them. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Faucet update: After 52 minutes on hold, I spoke to a human and the good news is, I had a solution in about 5 minutes... not necessarily the solution I was hoping for (they're sending a replacement, but a different model) but a solution, nonetheless. Surely there's a better way to handle these things.